And without faith it is impossible to please him.

         For whoever would draw near to God must believe that

         he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

         By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events

         as yet unseen, took heed and constructed an ark for

         the saving of his household; by this he condemned

         the world and became an heir of the righteousness

         which comes by faith.


         By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out

         to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance;

         and he went out, not knowing where he was to go. By

         faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a

         foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob,

         heirs with him of the same promise. For he looked

         forward to the city which has foundations, whose

         builder and maker is God.           Hebrews 11:6-10


         If we’re serious about drawing near to God we have to be

         careful not to confuse having faith with being religious.

         To be religious all you have to do is add a few religious

         trappings to your life -


              - go to church - once in a while,

              - read the Bible - once in a while,

              - repeat some prayers,

              - say that you believe in God,


                       - and you’re religious.


         To have faith is a very different thing. To have faith

         you literally let go of your old life and take hold of

         a new one.


         Abraham let go of his homeland,

                 launched out into the unknown, and with his heart

         took hold of a new land he couldn’t even see.


         Peter let go of his fishing boat and every familiar

         thing and took hold of Jesus, to sail with Him into un-

         known waters and become a fisher of men.


              “Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be

              catching men,” said Jesus. And when they

              had brought their boats to land, they left

              everything and followed him.

                                       Luke 5:10-11


         Every man and woman who has ever walked with God has

         taken this step. They joyfully abandoned the treasure

         of this world to obtain the treasure of God.


             “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure

              hidden in a field, which a man found and

              covered up; then in his joy he goes and

              sells all that he has and buys that field.”      

                                          Matthew 13:44


         Why does the man have to sell all he has and buy the

         field? Why doesn’t he just pick up the treasure and

         walk off with it?

                       - Because the treasure isn’t sitting

                         there in a neat little box to be

                         picked up and carried off in five


         The treasure is in the form of ore -- it’s going to take

         time and trouble to dig it out. If the man wants the

         treasure he’s going to buy the field. And to buy the

         field it’s going to cost everything he’s got. Does this

         throw him into a quandary? Does he go home to his wife

         a nervous wreck?


               “What’s wrong, honey. Why can’t you eat

                your supper?”


               “Well, I found this treasure today hidden

                in a field worth more than you can imagine.

                But to get it we have to buy the field and

                it will cost us everything we’ve got. I’m

                sick over it! I can’t make up my mind!”


         There is no conflict in the man’s heart.


               “ his joy he goes and sells all that

               he has and buys the field.”


         In his joy he digs at that treasure day after day, year

         after year, until he has it in the shape it needs to be,

                     until he really has it.


         If we haven’t come to the place where we’re ready to joy-

         fully abandon everything else to walk with God, then we

         simply haven’t seen God’s treasure yet.


              - We may be religious,

                                    - but we haven’t tasted the

                                      life of faith.


         May God give us, today, a vision of the treasure He has

         for us - so bright,

                  so clear, that we’ll gladly sell everything we

         have to buy the field.


         The treasure is the life of knowing God,

                                             walking with Him,

                                             talking with Him,

                                             living in His will,

                                             loving Him with all our hearts.


         Jesus died on the cross to make that kind of life possible

         to us.


                “I am the Way - to God.

                 I am the Truth - of God.

                 I am the Life - of God.

                 Come to me and I will bring you to God.”


         What do you think it was that caused Peter and the others

         to forsake everything and follow Jesus? They knew in

         their bones that this man would bring them into the

         presence of the living God! They knew it! And when we

         get a good glimpse of Jesus we know it too. This man,

         Jesus, is the treasure for whom it’s worth forsaking



         Moreover, Jesus not only opened the way to the Father

         with His death so we could go to heaven some day, He

         pours out the Holy Spirit upon us to quicken us,

                                              enlighten us, so

         we can walk the way of God on this earth. He pours out

         the Holy Spirit on us afresh this hour!


         Jesus opens the way.

         Jesus gives the Spirit, but there is one thing we have

         to do: we have to have faith. Not just be religious,

         but have faith.


         1.  To have faith is to dare to believe that God is there.


              "And without faith is impossible to

               please him. For whoever would draw near

               to God must believe that he exists and

               that he rewards those who seek him."     

                                           Hebrews 11:6


         Believe that He exists. Not that He exists theoreti-

         cally, but that He exists concretely. That He is here

         to help us, save us, and love us.


              “Oh, how I wish I could believe that,”

               people say. “I want to believe in God.

               I envy people who do, but I can’t!

               What can I do about this?”


         Start looking at Jesus. That much you can do. Just look

         at Him!


               “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away

                the sin of the world.”


               “Look unto him and be saved all the ends

                of the earth!”


         You want to know that God is there?


             - Look at Jesus healing the sick,

                                   - and see God.


             - Look at Jesus forgiving the sinner,

                                   - and see God.


             - Look at Jesus feeding the hungry,

                                   - and see God.


             - Look at Jesus opening the eyes of the blind,

                                   - and see God,


         and draw near to this God who is nothing but good!


         Before you know it you will begin to know that God is

         there. You will know it. He’s there waiting for you

         to draw near.


         2.  To have faith is to expect God to manifest Himself to

             you as you search for Him.


               ..."For whoever would draw near to God

               must believe that he exists and that he

               rewards those who seek him."


         Jesus teaches this over and over -


             - ask and you shall receive,

             - seek and you shall find,

             - knock and it shall be opened to you,


         for everyone who asks receives,

                       he who seeks finds,

                  to him who knocks it shall be opened.


         There is no such thing as pursuing God and finding



         Even if you’re way off the track,


              if you have totally wrong ideas about God, if you

         begin to seek Him you will absolutely find. He will

         reveal Himself to you, He will speak to your heart, He

         will touch your mind and

              open your eyes.


         But there has to be pursuit. We have to do some seeking.


         Are you hungry enough for God -

               - to get up early and pray?

               - to follow any glimmer of light that comes?

               - to seek out anyone who you think might

                         possibly be able to help you?


         This goes not only for those outside the Kingdom, but

         for those within. The pursuit of God never stops.


               0 God, thou art my God; early will I seek

               thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my

               flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty

               land, where no water is...

                                      Psalm 63


        Do you think Paul ever stopped pursuing God? Or Peter?

               “When thou saidst, ‘Seek ye my face;’

                my heart said unto thee, ‘Thy face,

                Lord, will I seek.”’


         The more you do this the more you will discover that

         this is the only pursuit on earth worth the effort.


         3. To have faith is to get rid of the distractions.


              “Fear not, little flock, for it is your

               Father’s good pleasure to give you the

               kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give

               alms; provide yourselves with purses that

               do not grow old, with a treasure in the

               heavens that does not fail, where no thief

               approaches and no moth destroys. For

               where your treasure is, there will your

               heart be also.”         Luke 12:32-34


         As we begin to find God we also start to understand what

         it is that has been keeping us so blind all these years.


               -  Our treasure has been in the wrong place.


               -  We’ve been attached to things in our lives

                  which have become idols.


         So we begin to simplify and unclutter our lives. Joy-

         fully we sell all that we have to buy the field. We

         give alms, providing ourselves with purses that do not

         grow old - a treasure in the heavens that does not fail.

         (No man can tell us what to get rid of next. The Spirit

         of God shows us - a step at a time.)


         This uncluttering of your life is one of the least pain-

         ful things God will ever call us to do. It won’t make

         you a nervous wreck. Every new distraction you throw

         overboard will bring new relief, new joy.


               “. . .then in his joy he went and sold all

                that he had and bought that field.”


        4.  Having faith is something you have to do for yourself,

            no one can do it for you.


               But at midnight there was a cry, “Behold,

               the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.”

               Then all those maidens rose and trimmed

               their lamps. And the foolish said to the

               wise, “Give us some of your oil, for our

               lamps are going out.” But the wise re-

               plied, “Perhaps there will not be enough

               for us and for you; go rather, to the

               dealers and buy for yourselves.” And while

               they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and

               those who were ready went in with him to

               the marriage feast; and the door was shut.       

                                        Matthew 25:6-10


         Don’t depend on some preacher or evangelist to pump you

         full of faith every two weeks. Don’t wait around for

         your husband or wife or child to get in the mood to seek

         God too. The call of God is on your life now!


         The door of the Kingdom is open to you now!

         You have seen the treasure hidden in the field. Now

         is your chance to sell all you have and buy it.


         The issue is:


            “Will you let go of your old life,

                                your mediocre life,

                                your self-centered,


                                     empty life,


         and take hold of HIS life? Will you keep doing this?”

         Never mind what anybody else on earth is doing,


                         -  what about you?


            “Fear not, little flock, for it is your

             Father’s good pleasure to give you the

             kingdom. Sell your possessions, and

             give alms; provide yourselves with purses

             that do not grow old, with a treasure in

             the heavens that does not fail, where no

             thief approaches and no moth destroys.

             For where your treasure is, there will

             your heart be also.”